At the moment I've had about 6 positive replys to the walk. I will be planning on a 6 hour schedule to ascend and descend the summit including a "refeshment" stop in the cafe. (if open as it's always subject to weather conditions)
I will probaly arrange a rendezvous time and place in Betws y Coed and then drive over to Pen-y-Pass as a group. (this will have to be fairly early as I'm told the car park fills up quite quickly)
Minimum requirements for the walk will be stout walking footwear - I stongly recommend walking boots, Waterproof layers, an additional warm layer, Water or hot drinks depending on weather conditions and personel preference, some energy food in case the cafe is closed, and a comfortable rucksack to put it all in.
Optional kit
Hat, Gloves, walking poles, camara,
I will bring along a map and compass. but anyone else who also has one are welcome to bring them with them, and a basic first aid kit.
P.S. I hope to see more members come along and join me